Numerical Structure of Salat

Abraham implored God in 14:40, he did not ask for wealth or health; the gift he implored for was: "Please God, make me one who observes the contact prayers (Salat)." The religious duties instituted
by God are in fact a great gift from Him. They constitute the nourishment required for the growth and development of our Souls.
Without such nourishment, we cannot survive the immense energy associated with God's physical presence on the Day of Judgment. Belief in God does not by itself guarantee our redemption; we must also nourish our souls (6:158, 10:90-92). Additionally, 15:99 states that observing the religious duties instituted by God is our means of
attaining certainty: "Worship your Lord in order to attain certainty."

The Contact Prayers (Salat)

The five daily contact prayers are the main meals for the soul. While a soul may attain some growth and development by leading a righteous life, and without observing the contact prayers, this would be like surviving on snacks without regular meals.

We learn from 2:37 that we can establish contact with God by uttering the specific Arabic words given to us by God. Sura 1, The Key, is a mathematically composed combination of sounds that unlocks the door between us and God:

1. The Dawn Prayer must be observed during two hours before sunrise (11:114, 24:58).
2. The Noon Prayer is due when the sun declines from its highest point at noon (17:78).
3. The Afternoon Prayer can be observed during the 3-4 hours preceding sunset (2:238).
4. The Sunset Prayer becomes due after sunset (11:114).
5. The Night Prayer can be observed after the twilight disappears from the sky (24:58).
* The Friday noon congregational prayer is an obligatory duty upon every Submitting man and woman (62:9). Failure to observe the Friday Prayer is a gross offense.

Each contact prayer is valid if observed anytime during the period it becomes due until the next prayer becomes due. Once missed, a given contact prayer is a missed opportunity that cannot be made up; one can only repent and ask forgiveness. The five prayers consist of 2, 4, 4, 3, and 4 units (Rak'ahs), respectively.

The proof that Salat was already established through Abraham is found in 8:35, 9:54, 16:123, & 21:73. This most important duty in Islam (Submission) has been so severely distorted that the contact prayers (Salat) have become a practice in idolatry for the vast majority of Muslims. Although the Quran commands that our contact prayers must be devoted to God alone (20:14; 39:3, 45), today's Muslims insist on commemorating "Muhammad and his family" and "Abraham and his family" during their prayers. This renders the prayers null and void (39:65).

The following text, pertaining to the miracles confirming the contact prayers, is excerpted from the January 1990 issues of the Submitter's Perspective (the regular and special bonus issues), as written by Dr. Rashad Khalifa:


[1] Sura 1 is God's gift to us, to establish contact with Him (Salat).  Write the sura number and the number of verses next to each other and you get 17, the total number of units in the 5 daily prayers.

[2] Let us write down the sura number, followed by the number of every verse in the sura. This is what we get: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. This number is a multiple of 19.

Properties of Sura 1, The Key

Verse # # of Letters G. Value
1 19 786
2 17 581
3 12 618
4 11 241
5 19 836
6 18 1072
7 43 6009

[3] Now, let us replace each verse number by the number of letters in that verse. This is what we get:

1 19 17 12 11 19 18 43 also a multiple of 19.

Theoretically, one can alter the letters of Sura 1, and still keep the same number of letters, however, the following
mathematical phenomena rule out that possibility. For the geometrical value of every single letter is taken into consideration. Here it is:

[4] Let us include the geometrical value of every verse, and write it down following the number of letters in each verse:

1 19 786 17 581 12 618 11 241 19 836 18 1072 43 6009 also a multiple of 19.

[5] Now, let us add the number of each verse, to be followed by the number of letters in that verse, then the geometrical value of that verse. This is what we get:

1 1 19 786 2 17 581 3 12 618 4 11 241 5 19 836 6 18 1072 7 43 6009 a multiple of 19.

[6] Instead of the geometrical value of every verse, let us write down the geometrical values of every individual letter in Sura 1. This truly awesome miracle, shows that the resulting long number, consisting of  274 digits, is also a multiple of 19. ALLAHU AKBAR.

1 7 1 19 2 60 40 1 30 30 5 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200 8 10 40 2 17 ... 50

This number starts with the sura number, followed by the number of verses in the sura, followed by the verse number, followed by the number of letters in this verse, followed by the geometrical values of every letter in this verse, followed by the number of the next verse, followed by the number of letters in this verse, followed by the
geometrical values of every letter in this verse, and so on to the end of the sura. Thus, the last component is 50, the value of "N" (last letter).

[7] Since I cannot write very long numbers here, let us substitute [*] for the long number consisting of the number of every verse, followed by the number of letters in the verse, followed by the geometrical value of every individual letter in the verse. If we write down the number of the sura, followed by its number of verses, we get 17, the number of units (Rak'aas) in the 5 daily prayers. Next to the 17, write down the number of the first prayer (1), followed by its number of Rak'aas, which is 2, then two [*]'s, followed by the number of the second prayer (2), followed by the number of Rak'aas in the second prayer (4), followed by four [*]'s, and so on. Not only is the
resulting long number a multiple of 19, but also the number of its component digits is 4636 (19x244) .... Please note that any representation of Sura 1 can replace the [*]'s without affecting the outcome; all of them give multiples of 19. For example, a short representation of "The Key" consists of the Sura number (1), followed by the verses (7), followed by the total number of letters in Sura 1 (139), followed by the total geometrical value of the whole sura
(10143). The resulting number (1713910143) can also represent [*].



[8] Since the Friday prayer consists of two sermons and two Rak'aas (total is still 4 units), we read only 15 "Keys" on Friday, compared with 17 on the other days. Abdullah Arik discovered that if we replacethe 17 by 15 in the long number in [7] and remove two "Keys" from the noon prayer, we still get a multiple of 19. This confirms the Friday
Prayer, at noon, with 2 "Keys." The long number shown below represents Friday's five prayers; it is a multiple of 19.



[9] The first sura in the Quran is mathematically composed in a manner that challenges and stumps the greatest mathematicians on earth. Now we appreciate the fact that when we recite Sura 1, "The Key," during our Contact Prayers, something happens in the universe, and we establish contact with our Creator. The result is perfect happiness,  now and forever. By contacting our Almighty Creator 5 times a day, we nourish and develop our souls in preparation for the Big Day when we meet God. Only those who nourish their souls will be able to withstand and enjoy the physical presence of Almighty God.

All submitters, of all nationalities, recite the words of "The Key" which were written by God Himself, and given to us to establish contact with Him (2:37).

Edip Yuksel's discovery adds to the awesomeness of "The Key" and proclaims clearly that it must be recited in Arabic.

When you recite "The Key" in Arabic, your lips touch each other precisely 19 times.

Your lips touch each other where the letters "B" and "M" occur. There are 4 "B's" and 15 "M's" and this adds up to 19. The geometrical value of the 4 "B's" is 4x2=8, and the geometrical value of the 15 "M's" is 15x40=600. The total geometrical value of the 4 "B's" and 15 "M's" is 608, that is 19x32.

# of Time




1 Bism B 2
2 Bism M 40
3 Rahman M 40
4 Rahim M 40
5 Al-Hamdu M 40
6 Rub B 2
7 `Alamin M 40
8 Rahman M 40
9 Rahim M 40
10 Malik M 40
11 Yawm M 40
12 Na'budu B 2
13 Mustaqim M 40
14 Mustaqim M 40
15 An`amta M 40
16 `Alayhim M 40
17 Maghdub M 40
18 Maghdub M 40
19 `Alayhim M 40

=608 (19X32)



[10] One of the common "If the Quran is complete and fully detailed (as claimed in 6:19, 38 & 114), where are the details of the Contact Prayers (Salat)?" These people ask this question because they are not aware that the Quran informs us that the Contact Prayers came from Abraham (21:73 & 22:78). If we write down the numbers of the prayers with their bowings, prostrations and Tashahhuds, we get:

1 1 2 2 4 1 2 4 4 8 2 3 4 4 8 2 4 3 3 6 2 5 4 4 8 2

This long number consists of the sura that we recite in the 5 prayers (1) followed by the number of the first prayer (1), then the number of "Keys" that we recite in this prayer (2), then the number of bowings (Ruku`) (2), then the number of prostrations (4), then the number of Tashahhuds (in the sitting position) (1), then the number of the
second prayer (2), then the number of "Keys" that we recite in the second prayer (4), then the number of bowings (Ruku`) in this prayer (4), then the number of prostrations (8), then the number of Tashahhuds (2), then the number of the third prayer (3), and so on to the last prayer. This long number is a multiple of 19, and this confirms the minutest details of the prayers, even in the number of Ruku`, Sujud, and Tashahhud.

 Source: The City of Light